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RE: MLB player making $25 million this year can't throw to first. (Jim Shorts Reports)

in #funny6 years ago

That gif is too funny! I like Lester, but too me, he's always felt like a 2 (or a 1B)...I'd certainly rather have guys like Kershaw, Scherzer, Kluber, or Strasburg... To me, those guys are "aces", dudes you know you can throw out there every 4-5 days who will shut the other team DOWN. Lester is great, but he doesn't scare me as much as the other guys I mentioned. I know he's their ace, but I think that if the Cubs make the playoffs this year, Yu is going to be the true Ace/Cy Young candidate.


You are probably right. It just kills me that the dude can't throw to first. I haven't seen anything like this since Mackey Sasser or Steve Sax.

If my memory serves me correctly, Chuck Knoblaugh was notably brutal as well.

Yes! Another one with the yips for sure.