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RE: It's Overrated ^_^

in #funny6 years ago

98.6% self upvote is not sustainable for any community, don't be silly. I've been following @traf for a long time and pointed this out ages ago and get ridiculed and laughed at. Still this needs to change. Why would any new users ever come to a platform with this kind of disparity?

It always boggles my mind to see how corrupt rich people can become. I myself and doing well compared to the average steemian, and I make sure I take care of myself through 5-10% self upvotes. At 98% self upvote you are doing NOTHING but helping yourself. Don't be a sheep and just agree to please a whale.

I enjoy some of @traf's posts but for fucks sake man, your fellating yourself. You are the person in your meme, no one else is enjoying it, just you.