
I like this your funny post.

not as much as I do, evidently

Thanks my friend

I am also like this post

Thanks my dear friend ,follow my next post.

Thanks my friend, best of luck.

I'm sorry but there's no way I'm sucking any penis, not even mine.

if you could
you'd do it at least once!

Yeah he seems like overrated! Because, I feel she can doing much better than him!

Traffy, seriously I won't ask how is it from that guy lol :D - Feel Gay if I do :D


if you could, you'd do it at least once

This girls works with black guys I think. Her finger is small for her tongue LOL

Traf upvotes his own posts, so you don't have to. Give your upvote to someone else. Or better yet, Follow Trafalgar's lead and upvote yourself don't waste your upvote on Traf...

@Trafalgar upvotes himself 98.6%

Traf upvote himself! Yeah that's true! But atleast he vote few of us as well! Unlike other big bad whales, it's interesting to read Traffy's posts! So, I think this is fair!
Moreover, he sometimes visit our posts and give generous vote on us too!
Anyway, t's a fixed reward pool per day! So, if he didn't any other person will drain the pool! So let's enjoy and try to earn few $$$ from collaboration!


98.6% self upvote is not sustainable for any community, don't be silly. I've been following @traf for a long time and pointed this out ages ago and get ridiculed and laughed at. Still this needs to change. Why would any new users ever come to a platform with this kind of disparity?

It always boggles my mind to see how corrupt rich people can become. I myself and doing well compared to the average steemian, and I make sure I take care of myself through 5-10% self upvotes. At 98% self upvote you are doing NOTHING but helping yourself. Don't be a sheep and just agree to please a whale.

I enjoy some of @traf's posts but for fucks sake man, your fellating yourself. You are the person in your meme, no one else is enjoying it, just you.

I'm just saying. Since traf upvotes himself a lot you should follow his lead. Upvote yourself. Don't upvote traf's post. keep replying. Hell, don't even worry about putting in words. Just a gif is enough. we all know gifs are very funny.

The reward pool doesn't work like that. The reward pool is fixed but it's distributed to everyone who upvotes. So if traf didn't upvote himself your posts would get a larger payout, him upvoting himself so much means that everyone else gets a lot less.

man i though everyone doesn't knew how the reward pool works, I guess not.

hey @theguruasia, glad you asked idi, hope you learn something, well maybe everyone here learn something. Anyways, just to illustrate, you are at 85% self upvote even with this two account with loaned delegation, not great, but even you put back 15% into eco-system, and probably abit more via bots which shares profit with multiple people (owner, other Steemians working for the bidding companies, and many of them upvote others, so the Steem Power actually cycles back, better than doing the extreme almost 100% self-upvoting).

Believe it or not, if the total you put back into the system is probably just over 20%, even that is sustainable, but ninety some percentage is just slow death for everyone and all in Steem, and when more and more whales and orca do this, it becomes fast death.



Btw, in your last 31 days, you total income from trafalgar is only 12.3% of your total income, you can even replace that with at 3rd delegated account, it's not such a big loss for you, i'm not saying he's not going to stop upvoting anyone, in fact i hope he will start considering doing more, anything more, delegate, upvote, give back 20% like you one way or another, am showing you the facts, and you're a smart guy, so you take a think about it, no accusations, just see the logic here

Yeah I do understood how this reward system works and understood it's only me who can help my self at the moment! Anyway, if Traf upvote more, it might be a good idea! Atleast 3% votes is a good thinking!
Anyway it's upto him! I won't force him to say do like this way or that way!
Yeah now I am thinking to power up another account which can help me to earn a decent income! So far I am draining :D


Hey Guru, that's exactly what all the minnows need. Imagine if he gave 3-5% to say every other post of yours, if he does that a little more about just 20%, we all grow together, yeah you'll do very well, keep up your awesome comedy post, time for you to get some love ❤️ from COM 40K community account his week! Put in an original round 9 entry!

I talk about wanting a boyfriend, but I don't even know what I'd do with one. Just kiss him and leave him in the corner? How often does it eat?

i'll be sure to ask him the next time I meet the guy

The old break your own ribs trick hey?

some don't have to apparently
alas I'm not one of the chosen so I have to visit your mom :)

"So how well feminism is doing in your country?"

a little too well it seems
so now we have to suck ourselves off

Wait! that wasn't the situation before? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TOUGH IT IS FOR A FAT TO BEND LIKE THAT!

I guess when you do it all the time, it's not as impressive anymore.

well it is if we're not talking about the forward curl but the backwards somersault

Wow, didn't know you were that flexible.

The Most Underrated and Overrated Cocktails, According To Bartenders

tenor (4).giftenor (5).gif

Walmart GIF

The response is If you want to know 'how it is', we can try together LOL

penny johnson jerald love GIF by TV One-downsized.gif

giphy-downsized (68).gif

cute girl
giphy-downsized (19).gif

Lemme make u feel home ... tenor (5).gif

Lol, in such cases he will respond , "Maybe it's overrated, but it's just a deft hand and not some kind of fraud" ha ha ha :D

Then you regret that you asked this question..

here is the benefit of being overrated.

actually, I don't know if it is a benefit or not. I should see all parts before I decide

Does it hurt when you have to tuck your boner into your pants?

Many friend and people ask me -how it is
But my answer is same everything is fine.

When I asked: "How is it?" He said, let's go try :))

heartbreak my heart is breaking why am i ugly love broken i want to cry crying

You're pretty confident with that statement, sis

It's great, but it's not the best this decade

Exercise goals: Uh, I think you're doing it wrong.

It's not all fun and games anymore. How else are you going to get that money?

LOL @traf, i have also such a familiar guy and as a rule he always agrees :D

haha so funny I like this

Its memes start even sooner. Pumpkin Spice Lattes–the accepted beverage of Halloween

Babe submitted this message on 11/7/2012. It was tagged: for boyfriend. Send this message to someone special, rate it, or post a comment at textyourlove

Really that's so funny post

Yeah, that's the face

Well, girlfriend stuff