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RE: Showcase Sunday: From Back When the Community Was 'Inspiring'

in #funny4 years ago

I'm sure it might be maybe something like that! LOL! I have no idea...

Thanks for the question though!

I truly appreciate the fact you spent a moment reading this today as well. Thank you very much. The quietest days are the toughest days but hopefully I'll have something new and exciting this week for you folks to enjoy.


Lol! Anytime man...I would say that you, And a handful of others here actually put some thought and effort into your craft...I appreciate that because I know that it is hard to do day-in and day-out!!! Not to downplay the work of others, but just pointing out the obvious on my end...So it's easy to support the creators that value their own platform:)

Sundays were always notoriously quiet. That was why I created #showcase-sunday. The creators can have a day off but can still be productive by reworking old work into something new. These days now I'll see people try the concept out and finally get eyes and appreciation for something that was most likely a total flop on the first go, since we all struggle in the early days. Makes me happy to see folks see success on the second go. I don't mind a quiet Sunday now. I feel like that dude on Shawshank Redemtion when he's chillin on the roof watching the other prisoners drink the beer he lined up for them. Still, I'm much happier when you folks are laughing at my stupidity as well. Didn't expect to blow the roof off with this. Other people having fun is more important.

That's smart, and an effective way to distribute your old content. Might have to dig back in the old archives myself! lol Thanks for the idea...I'll give credit where it is due...Yes, especially with all this madness going on in the world, it feels good to have a good laugh Brother! And it is truly a gift that you make others' days a little more enjoyable...That's fantastic!!! Now I need to re-watch Shawshank Redemption again...It's been some years:)

You have a metric shit-ton of artwork that could fill quite a few Sundays up. Maybe add some commentary as well. Hint hint.

Lol! Thanks, and Gotcha man:)