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RE: Wizards of the Coast, creators of Magic the Gathering, are actively banning folks they disagree with.

in #games6 years ago

Wtf it seems like they are running a company the exact opposite on how it should be run. How can banning people for reasons that do not hurt the company be profitable if anything when people post about it on their social media accounts and attract they should be paid.

uncovered a massive collection of convicted pedophiles in the Magic the Gathering judge program

I'm done... yeah people should stop purchasing anything related to Magic the Gathering if enough people stop they wouldn't be able to keep it up.


They are losing millions of players every year, so it's only a matter of time before they lose enough to start bleeding money. Plus, there cards are getting worse and worse as the months go by, and no longer have any value... so I doubt people will continue to buy them.