Wizards of the Coast, creators of Magic the Gathering, are actively banning folks they disagree with.

in #games6 years ago (edited)

Now, before I begin, understand that I think a company is allowed to do anything it wants, because it is after-all not a government entity, but a private or publicly owned company, which means that they create and enforce their own rules for their products and services.

Now that that's out of the way, let me give you a little back story as to what is going on here with Wizards of the Coast, which is owned by Hasbro, and if you didn't know already, is the oldest, and most successful physical (non-digital) trading card game on the planet.

So, the problem actually started awhile back, but we'll focus on the issue that started up towards the end of 2017, which many refer to as Magicgate.

Jeremy, of UnsleevedMedia, and the Quartering YouTube fame, uncovered a massive collection of convicted pedophiles in the Magic the Gathering judge program, which is the program that oversees the sanctioned matches all over the world.

Now before I go into more detail about Magicgate, understand that prior to this, Wizards of the Coast issued a permanent life-time ban on Jeremy's Magic the Gathering account, which means that he could never play in a sanctioned event ever again.

How did he earn this ban you ask?

Well, by speaking his mind on the issues that the Magic the Gathering card game was experiencing in general on his own personal social media accounts... that's how.

Issues of which included, but are not limited to: Card stock quality, THOT's as cosplayers begging for money while dressed as Magic the Gathering related characters, extremely selective preferences as to who Wizards allowed in their good old boys club, shitty Magic the Gathering sets in general, and re-prints.

All of these things and more, landed Jeremy a permaban from the game he loves, and has championed for so long, just by speaking his mind via his social media outlets.

Let that sink in for a moment... he was banned from a game, based on the things he said on "his own" social media accounts!

Wizards of the Coast, who at the end of the day is supposed to be a simple trading card company, is now combing through peoples social media accounts, and banning those they disagree with on a political level.

Now, because of the type of person I am, I have stopped purchasing any Magic the Gathering related products, because I do not want to support a company that practices in these shady ass tactics.

I also do not want to support a company that essentially protected child molesters, instead of accepting their obvious problem from the start, and working to fix the issue immediately, instead of passing blame on everything but themselves.

With that being said, Wizards of the Coast is not done selectively targeting people they do not like, and is currently in the process of banning all those who disagree with them, or who have backed Jeremy during Magicgate.

The video posted below is a good overview of what is currently going on if you're interested in learning more, but I for one will never support a company that where's it social justice beliefs on its sleeve.

Wizards of the Coast, here's a little advice for ya:

You're a company, and as long as people aren't doing anything illegal, you should accept them, because at the end of the day, you exist solely to make money.

If you push all us conservative types away, your game will not only inevitably fail, but before it does, it will become and echo chamber for social justice liberal types, and lets face facts here... those types don't have any money.

Hell most of them want to work for you Wizards, and the Lord knows you sure as shit don't pay them any money... so who the fucks going to buy your cards if you ban us all?


Lol. This is really funny but true.


Ha ha, not bad for 5 in the morning A... shit like this just pisses me off!

Politics in business goes as far back as business. The smart way to mix it is to do what Warren Buffet does, buy politicians. The stupid way to do it is to alienate half of your customers with “feel good” activism. The worst thing to do is to censor, attack and silence your customers with different views.

The stupid way to do it is to alienate half of your customers with “feel good” activism.

Ha ha, this is exactly what they are doing, and the Buffet way is boss, but you're so right... this is going to killed their company for sure.

Some people will stop buying from them based on principals, and newbies will never even start playing because of all this bullshit, in fear of being wrongfully targeted.

its annoying and sickening when i read how people ride on others like this

You're a company, and as long as people aren't doing anything illegal, you should accept them, because at the end of the day, you exist solely to make money.

This should be the soul of a business. but then some people take it too personal and get to attach emotions and their will to a business.

I know right, and this "company" is getting real bad, they've actually hired investigators to look through and monitor players social media accounts, and will life-time ban them as soon as they find something they don't like.

monitor players social media accounts

Are you serious?

Mehn, the whole system is really fucked. like you mean everybodys account is under "FBI" watch? hahahahaha.. terrible. And the word "life-time ban' should even disinterest new players

I hope so, these fucks need to be shown the power of the people!

What these “social justice” activists don’t understand is that what they think is the “just” platform and the “moral” point of view” is not what other people think. Sure they are able to make a lot of noise today. But times change. It happened in China under Mao. Those who were happy to be allowed to speak and champion their ideas merely outed themselves and ended up dead.

I couldn't have said it better myself, and the fucked up part is, that a lot of these social justice warriors don't even really care about the game, they all just jumped on the bandwagon to join the political fight, but once they get their way, and all the players who actually do spend money are banned, they will jump on the next train, leaving Wizards of the Coast high and dry without a customer base... so they'll get fucked the most in the end mate!

It sure seems to me that there is a coordinated effort to stir up division in this country. The young are easy to manipulate as they think what they know is all there is and they think they discovered it for the first time. History is not a well taught or appreciated subject.

as soon as they find something they don't like.

imagine a ban for a "life-time"? wow...

but then i wanna ask, how about the money they would make? like they dnt mind forfeiting it?

And that is when your emotions and not being able to control them start taking your business towards destruction.

The writing is definitely on the wall for these guys.

But you know what? When shit hits the fan they will still be oblivious as to why it did happen.

Ha ha, they usually are!

sure. But not really everybody pays attention to the writing on the wall my friend.

If you ask the, i guess they would say "it's for OUR best interest"

So, lets allow the writing play out

We will indeed see how it plays out, and I don't think it will play out well for Wizards, or for any company trying to one-side their fans and consumers.

All of these things and more, landed Jeremy a permaban from the game he loves, and has championed for so long, just by speaking his mind via his social media outlets.

Somehow I feel you are speaking in parables and using this story to make an illustration ,but I very well understand your point and I must say he was banned for a very wrong reason. This is what happened when a few persons feel they have the power to do whatever they feel like doing and that's very bad.

Reminds me of the fucking "thought police" form George Orwell's acclaimed book 1984... very scary shit!

so who the fucks going to buy your cards if you ban us all?

sure, i think they should have this kinda questions at the back of their mind befor they take decisions as stupid as this

Ha ha, I know right, and they are about to release their digital product soon, which is supposed to compete with Hearthstone, but you need an account to play it, but if they ban half the player base, the half with money to boot... who's going to support their game?

hahahaha, @tolkaktore you make me really laugh.

Are you serious? like launch a new digital product?

I thought a professional buisness man would first of all review how his business has performed, do a proper evaluation and maybe conduct a survey on how a new product would be received in the market..

Wow, this guys must be kidding me.

Let me grab a drink and watch this action movie play out

Yeah, their digital offering is currently in closed beta, but I don't see it doing very well at all against Hearthstone, but we shall see.

I feel for Jeremy, I first heard of him when he did a video exposing a popular youtuber for stealing someone’s HTC Vive from a guy selling it on craigslist.

He’s taken a lot of heat over the years, feels like the good guys are losing.

Hey don't worry, so long as we help each other, we should be alright, because remember... the other-side will eat each other when the chips are down. - Joker

Now, because of the type of person I am, I have stopped purchasing any Magic the Gathering related products.

I agree with you, they are very bad, we should don't support this type companies..

I guess freedom of speech comes with a ban tag... Awful thing but unfortunately that's what we have the most..

It's a real sad day when we have such a ban on speech, which is an issue on Steemit as well, if you say something a whale happens to disagree with.

Every opinion should be respected independently of being a whale or a minnow.. That's how it should work.. Sadly in this don't happen in real life and not even in steemit.. ='/

The good thing about Steemit though, is that your money may be taken away, but your voice still stands forever!

A private company has the right to set its own rules but shutting down genuine criticism should not be a part of the game. If any company shuts down genuine criticism then it is actually closing doors for itself. Many people will notice that they are against freedom of speech and might not even comeback and may even stop using their website.

They have lost millions and millions of players over the last five years, so whatever they are doing... isn't working. This will only speed up their ultimate demise, and it will all be on them in the end.

Magic pro Travis Woo also received a one year ban. Woo ran a (now closed) Facebook group called "Magic For Bad", which drew a lot of negative attention in the wake of Sprankle's departure from Magic.

Yep, this was a perfect example of them targeting critics of theirs, and the whole Sprankle thing was blown out of proportion, and was just another orchestrated campaign in order to draw attention to herself, and nothing more.

This is why I dont support WotC anymore. I still like playing but I no longer buy any sealed product. I strictly stick to RL. If I need something for Modern/Legacy/Vintage (dont play Standard) I try to buy the cards from the oldest set possible (if it isnt super expensive of course as the cards are just for play).

I am just one person, but I refuse to give this company any of my money directly. I cant stand how hypocritical they are when it comes to who they "go after" and who they do not. No wonder they needed to unban Jace and BBE to drum up hype for the next Master set... Provided a nice distraction to to their SJW actions.

Un-banning Jace is a fucking money grab, and as soon as Masters 25 sales slow down, they will ban him again... mark my words!

Wtf it seems like they are running a company the exact opposite on how it should be run. How can banning people for reasons that do not hurt the company be profitable if anything when people post about it on their social media accounts and attract they should be paid.

uncovered a massive collection of convicted pedophiles in the Magic the Gathering judge program

I'm done... yeah people should stop purchasing anything related to Magic the Gathering if enough people stop they wouldn't be able to keep it up.

They are losing millions of players every year, so it's only a matter of time before they lose enough to start bleeding money. Plus, there cards are getting worse and worse as the months go by, and no longer have any value... so I doubt people will continue to buy them.

I had a feeling this was going to happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a real-life PizzaGate going on within WOTC

Could you fill me in on the whole "It smells like pizza meme", because everyone keeps referencing this, but I don't know what it is, or where it's from?

I'm 100% agree with you , this is a great post those stuff are now way out of line

Power to the people

it hurts wen some people feel all-powerful and they take decisions that are just pleasing to them alone.

but what do i have to say really other than


You're a company, and as long as people aren't doing anything illegal, you should accept them, because at the end of the day, you exist solely to make money.


A great topic I've follow you for you. I am so honored to be your follower