My Very First Donation Goal Reached! Black Ops It Is!

in #gaming6 years ago

So I raised the $65 well before my one week deadline, thanks to 4 awesome donors, ChinaPolice, RealulzMan, DeweySalt and a 4th Donor whose name I will add as soon as I find it. It's in there somewhere. It's been an interesting exciting and really fun journey these last couple weeks since I started and I'm looking forward to the next 50 as I continue streaming every day for the next year.

Anyway as promised last night I purchased and installed Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Watch as I log in for the very first time a get a purely virginal look at the Call of Duty World. Got my pizza and nice 2013 bottle of Italian Chianti. Bring on the Zombies!!

Black Ops Cover.jpg


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