Introducing Rhema Games LLC

in #gaminglast year


How time flies!

It has been a hot minute since the last time I was able to post on Hive, and let me tell you it has been a roller coaster of a season. I'd love to go over the changes in detail, but that is for another time.

Today I'd like to announce the formation of Rhema Games LLC as well as giving all of you here on Hive a sneak peak into what is coming, and a chance to follow the official @rhemagames account here on our favorite blogging platform before our official launch in August. There you will get updates on our games, contests, and other opportunities as we grow.

For those that have followed me for a while you will likely see a lot of old favorites from my previous projects as well as new content with a much more consistent and professional tone. We look forward to interacting with the community here on Hive.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have in the comments below.


Good to see you posting again and looking forward to seeing what you've built.

I like your logo! It reminds me of the yt channel Moth Light Media which is a design I wanted to try and play with myself to make something cool and unique.

I see the resemblance! We need to add color and various renditions of our logo before too long. My general thought is to style it for each game that is launched to match the game, but we'll see. :)

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My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services.

I've just updated and I'm getting ready for some exciting new features after the next hard fork.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #265 or consider unvoting the return vote.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I'll also add that I power up Hive every day and usually power up larger amounts on 1st of the Month. I'm on Hive for ideological reasons much more than for only economic benefit.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.