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RE: The Temporal Demands of Branching Video Game Narratives - Where Do You Spend Your Time?

in #gaming2 years ago

Maybe you should do whatever the hell makes life a little more bearable, eh? Don't be so hard on yourself. Fuck the lawn. gasp Fuck books, too. If gaming's what you feel like, then game like there's no tomorrow. I game, too. I'm so gamed I read it as "mood that penalizes me" :))
Hm. I think yes, it's still worth playing, even if you don't play every day, just like anything else, really. Like learning the guitar. Sure, it would be better if you practiced every day. But is never practicing better than practicing once or twice a week? Now, how could that be?

What button do I press to cast a spell? Where is Lydia?

Seriously, what da hell, Lydia?