5 Reasons why I LOVE(ed) World of Warcraft

in #gaming7 years ago



If you entered this post then we had same passion. Will that happy time ever come back? I doubt. Wow was my brother, sister, love … everything! Now I don’t have it… But memories of that period draws a smile on my face.

If you came this far then you should stay and read the rest because I am sure you’ll enjoy it!


1. Life

It’s totally same as life. Can you spot any diference? Maybe, in WoW you must find your corpse or speak with Spirit healer, but in real life? Who knows… Maybe it’s the same also 😂…

Before I log out 😢 , I firstly go to Goldshire to kiss woman of my life, and to put me into sleep. Perfect life, Isn't it?


Life is beautiful

2. Effort

In old times, going to the 60…70.. was real success. Power I feel when I reached it first time just...


Honestly, best feeling I had was when we slained fameous Kael'thas Sunstrider and we had to roll for legendary mount called Al’ar (25 people rolled). I am sure you know who was the winner. 😈

3. Friends (family)

Family. Yes, that’s true. For example, if my friend, with whom I finished ToC yesterday, hasn’t been online whole day, I get to worry like sister worries for her brother. I haven’t played WoW since 2010, and I still remember all nicknames of good and respectful nolifers. Anyway, I would be grateful to meet them now in real life, we would have much to discuss about.

4. Lore (story)

I played Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Frozen Throne… So you know what was the feeling of meeting Thrall or defeating Illidan. Watching cinematic about Arthas and his father still makes me feel goosebumps...

I enjoy it everytime.

5. Community

Guild. You gotta workout your way to the top, with hardwork (professions, helping little ones, raiding etc…), and you must respect other players. I liked the community and that reason influenced most to my addiction. Frankly, I am seeing this addiction coming once again. It’s Steemit fault, and I like it.


"I am twenty two years old. When someone asks me that question, I always say two years younger because it's true. when I use command /played it says 750 days. And, if you ask me would I do it again? Of course, I would."
These are the words of my nolifer friend who gave me idea for this post @emerald95, if you played WoW and you liked it you should definitely follow him

I hope you enjoyed my article, and if you liked it, you should read my prevous 5 reasons:




See you, have a great day! :)


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I can relate to this. I still play WoW and it is on my top ten list of games. I just love games that give you nostalgia. A lot of my family members played WoW too. I have a friend and when we talk about wow we go at it for a long time! Love just about everything that this game has to offer!

Sorry I answer this late, I somehow passed this one in replies. I entered this post so I could read it again before my payout comes. Anyway reading it again makes me wonder, how could I forgot to use this song.

Thank you man for reading. :)

Well nice song xD

Wow. I relate to this in so many ways I forgot about. I almost wish I didn't read it. My wife and I played wow together for 5 years in the very beginning. It was not only an unbelievable gaming experience but it was a story I got to share with my wife. I have memories of downing Onyxia for the first time, watching the glitchy gates of AQ open, walking through the giant portal to Outland to experience this new land that I was not prepared for! I got to do all of that with my wife and her toon by my side.

We have moved on to other blizzard games because the wow we used to know is gone.

I am an Overwatch writer covering the pro Overwatch esports team, Immortals.

Check out my articles if you like Overwatch. Thank you for this post it brought back painful feel goods I was beginning to forget about.

See you around.


I feel now like I stole your idea, this should've been your post. You should write about it, and sure I will check out your articles. :)

I came back to Wow twice since the end of tbc and even a few months ago again and it was cool but it could never be the same as it was in vanilla. The nostalgia and the good memories and the friends I made there.. it was just great time! I would do it all over again if i could!

I have two friends with whom I played it. And, when we get together, we can speak about WoW all day. We all loved that period of life.

I made loads of friends in the game itself. We were going out on pubs with the guild members, or just in a pc club for the whole night and play and chat next to each other, it was awesome!

It's nice. You still playing WoW? I don't like it very much now. I don't know, it's good, but not enough to sacrface life :)
You should call your friends to join us on steemit :)

Well i played until a few months ago, and i quite liked the new expansion but my friends have just stopped playing and were quite inactive at the time i joined in. And as for the old friends i had in vanilla wow i don't really keep in touch with them it's been years and years since. And sadly being an adult doesn't allow me to sacrifice anything anymore time wise :)

Happy childhood :)

I really miss the organization of 40 man raids. I stopped playing almost 10 years ago and I had dreams of the damn game for years after that. Addiction at its finest.

That was organization. Interesting fact is that I played it as a kid (not knowing a word of english) and still somehow managed to raid, haha.

Thats pretty cool. I bet you were one of those who would Leroy into rooms and shit. Looks like you speak English pretty well now.

I am still learning. But, WoW teached me the most :)
Thank you :)

40 man raids! It felt a full time job attending those raids.. could last up to 6 hours!! ahhhh.... so worth it though :)

That was the shit. Good ol days. Still miss it. It was the reason i couldnt get a fulltime job.

Yes, yes. I hated when someone who hasn't played wow tell me "Come on man, just press to pause"
I was like get outa my room you litt... haha

This has taken me back! I LOVED that game. I began playing it a few months before vanilla beta ended. My buddy and I were making the decision of what game to play between EverQuest 2 and WoW. Since we were both big into PvP, we went with WoW. We enjoyed all aspects of the game with a primary focus on battlegrounds and arena's. The memories and friendships that were created in that game are still to this day some of the most precious times. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I appreciate the nostalgia!

I am glad you like it, I ll be following you. And I will expect some nice and quality content :)

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hi ikadika
i have play it so long great game
first 2year of the game 2best years

I doubt that there will be game like WoW ever again :(

oh wow the best nr1
Much competition, but no game is as good as wow

cool game !!

People who did not play it, do not know what they missed.

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