New Banner Event!

in #gaming3 years ago

A new banner event would start in less than 2 days and I for one am very excited for it. XD

The featured 5-star character on the upcoming banner is GANYU, a cryo unit. I personally am having doubts whether to pull on the upcoming banner or not seeing how people call GANYU as only a 'cryo-amber' while some people would pull her because apparently she has more or less the same base ATK as DILUC which at the moment has the highest in the game.

GANYU skills also shines in her 'charge' attacks which honestly for me is the main reason why I'm hesitant to pull on her banner as it is quite hard to aim a charged shot on mobile. Her charge shot is really good though, an AOE CRYO.


As for the featured 4-star units, they are XINGQUI, NOELLE and XIANGLING. I already have a C4 Noelle and C4 XIANGLING and also a C1 XINGQUI which honestly makes me more hesitant to pull. If not only for GANYU's character design and a wait of 2 weeks for the next featured banner then I would have waited for the next one. XD

At the moment, I think I have enough INTERTWINED FATE + PRIMOGEMS for around 40 wishes/rolls. Since I'm currently in my 54th roll and got MONA (a non-featured 5-star pull) then I'm already guaranteed to get her. XD

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