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RE: Most under-rated systems I actually owned: Sega Dreamcast

in #gaming3 years ago

I quite enjoyed having a Dreamcast but then again, like I mentioned, I was really late to the party and they were basically giving the things away at that point. It was kind of fun to go into Game Stop with $20 and know that I was going to walk out of there with at least 2 games. I can't really even recall most of the games that I liked on it nor do I have any idea where my console ended up. It was fun while it lasted and Sega did a pretty good job with this one.

I think that Sega bought their own ticket to obscurity when they prolonged the life of the Genesis by creating more and more add ons that didn't really do much for the console, were expensive, and had very little in the way of 3rd party support. Then of course the disastrous launch of the Saturn was kind of the first nail in the coffin.

Thanks for the links, I'll be checking those out this afternoon!