Life Cycle - Day One

in #garden6 years ago (edited)

Morning all,

I write this from the fertile south-east corner of the state of New South Wales, Australia.

It is a damp, whistling morning, alive with birds. I love nothing more than to walk in my garden with a morning cuppa before the workaday craziness begins. Forest surrounds my flower garden and vegie patch. My friends this morning? A Lewin's honeyeater in the mulberry tree, sunflowers about to burst into bloom, two huge ripening tomatoes (dinner on my mind). Less loved - the horde of metallic flea beatles on my potatoes, gorging on the leaves, reducing the future crop. Will a tea of the native tobacco plant see to them? We'll find out.

All part of the life cycle.

This Life Cycle Steemit blog is my attempt to place myself - momentarily - in flux. A pause, with pictures, reflections, sounds.

Today, a froggie friend, found on the tree fern at our backdoor in the dying light of 2017 - a Peron's tree frog.


This is what he sounds like:

Happy New Year, Steemers.

PS. I am proud mum to @Bulleth, who introduced me to Steem!

Steem on!


Welcome to the greatest social network and probably the last one you'll ever use ;) I'm glad @bulleth could finally convince you to join the steem community (He was talking about it many times and now we just miss the little brother). Enjoy your time on here and the amazing community around it :)

Thanks, steembusiness. It was a lovely way to start my day. Appreciate the chance.

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

No worries. More where that came from.

Welcome to the wild social media party called Steemit! Pretty sure you will cause less trouble than @bulleth. Hahaha, he's a good mate.

The only trouble I intend to cause is to the metallic flea beetles eating my spuds, but I will keep an eye on that troublesome @bulleth

I like this kind of personal article and hope to see many more from you

Thanks for the encouragement, ligayagardener.

Welcome to the world of STEEM! You have great guidance in the form of @bulleth!

Thanks. I finally listened to @bulleth.

Hi Lifecycle

I love your writing - really beautiful and engaging. I look forward to reading more of your posts 🌈

Thanks. Much appreciated. Words matter.

Welcome to Steemit and Happy New Year. Be sure to talk to bulleth about all that cussing & cursing :)

Already done!

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Thanks. Great news.

Welcome mother dear - now you can talk to me about your garden online too and even make money from it :D

Thanks, @bulleth, dear. What is this I hear from furious-one about cussing and cursing? More peaceful time in the garden needed?

What would language be without a little colour?

Welcome to this a great community Steemit. This your post is real good. Expect to see more of your post


Thanks for the welcome.