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RE: #gardenjournal for October: additional, birdseye photos!

in #gardenjournal2 years ago

Your garden space is really lovely, spread as it is across the hillside. It's so different from what I have here in East Hawai'i, yet equally beautiful in its own unique way. It's pretty wonderful to be able to work with plants and land over the course of years, seeing how it changes and unfolds. I'm happy that I got a chance to see your garden space, and the amount of love that you put into it! 😁🙏💚


Your beautiful comments are so very welcome, dear friend! I love sharing gardens and inspiring each other: looking forward to posting a November update - we're actually having an unexpected second wave of zucche, wuth our crazy never-ending summer.... I'll be harvesting an even bigger zucca soon too! 😊🥰🙏🌿🌈 Happy days!

Your beautiful comments are so very welcome, dear friend! I love sharing gardens and inspiring each other: looking forward to posting a November update - we're actually having an unexpected second wave of zucche, wuth our crazy never-ending summer.... I'll be harvesting an even bigger zucca soon too! 😊🥰🙏🌿🌈 Happy days!

Likewise, very much! Sharing love and passion for plants and gardening is among my favorite things! And yes, the new ideas and inspiration that comes from it is so beautiful and amazing to me! I'll keep an eye out for your updates! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱