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RE: Lily Allen Drank So Much She Could Taste The Difference Between Water & Vodka

in #gem4 years ago

Hahahahahaha oops forgot the s there. Thank you for pointing that out.
You might be right about in the future being forced to neutralize pronouns.
Hot pepper vodka sounds like a nightmare. You should be fortunate you were lucky enough to meet such a horrible combination.


Everyone has their own story, but I have to admit I couldn't have made it without the grace of God. Suddenly my memory was jogged. I was 17 and a nice friend invited us to her house. We came stoned and within an hour finished off all the alcohol in the house. Somehow someone found half a bottle of Smirnoff red pepper vodka in the freezer. Within an hour after drinking that I was so sick the next thing I remember is being kicked out of the house and being carried home. It was a nightmare in which I saw myself from outside of myself and didn't want that person to be me. I never want my kids to go through what I went through.

Man I am sorry you had to go through that, but you probably are happy you did just to put it all into persecutive for you. Sometimes I wish I never got wrapped up in Drugs Alcohol and a life of crime, but then I realize I love who I am today. It took me going through all that craziness to get me to who I am today.

^-^ Glad to know you