Day 2 of "self isolation" - Making a Captain America shield

in #gem4 years ago


Day 2 of self-isolating and today 1/2pint decided he wanted to be captain America.

Now, normally I'm the one that is hads on crafty, but all credit for this make must go to Mrs W, who I think personally did a fantastic job and making Ol'Caps famous vibrainium shield.


As you can tell 1/2pint and Mrs W got busy cutting and painting but in the end 1/2pint ditched his effort and took his mum's (she was not impressed)...

You wouldn't think to look at him and how he's behaving, but the little blighter, and the reason we're self isolating for 14days, is still running a fever of 38.5*c


Im hopeful that this isn't Covid-19 and we are monitoring him closely, but for as long as he wants to, I believe that fresh air and keeping active is doi g him no harm.



I’ve been making spider man logos to glue to my boys t shirts. They love their super heros.

He looks like he's having fun.. what is temperature supposed to be?

36.9, anything over 38 is a mild fever, over 38.5 is severe. So he's just on the cusp, but he's running around like there is nothing wrong

Captain Wales to the rescue, little known fact that curry on chips is a requirement.

Hope your well buddy

Curry half and half (rice & chips)

Just the chips and gravy for me

With Batman boots. Not even the same universe.
That star is spot on, though. I can never draw those 5 pointers right.

He's actually a massive spiderman fan and he's SONY!!

Ths Mrs did a great job.

I'm more of a Wonder Woman fan. Woke something something. Equality etc.