in #gems3 years ago

Here are Chapters 1 - 5 if you missed them:


Chapter 6

It was a desperately dull day in the office and I flicked through my list of phone numbers. I could phone a friend but most were at work and busy, unlike me.
I phoned my Dad to catch up on family gossip. "Harvey is dating a Thai Princess!" he claimed with a chuckle lurking under his breath.
I immediately assumed this was one of my Dad's tall tales and laughed.


"Oh really?" I said, imagining the long-suffering expression on my step-brother's face when he heard he was the butt of one of Dad's feeble funnies.

"No, seriously!" said Dad, proceeding to explain that the King of Thailand was father to many children and the brightest of them were British educated. This princess had been a friend to my brother since University.
I feigned a distraction at work & quickly ended the call with my mind racing.

Instead of catching the train home that evening, I got the tube to Camden Town, parked myself in a small cafe opposite my brother's home and waited for a light to appear in his window.
"Wow!" he gasped, shocked to see me when he answered his doorbell. We hugged and went upstairs.
I asked about the Thai princess. He laughed and said that, for once, Dad was not messing about.

Casually, I began to talk about the hand over of Hong Kong to China and he said he had read about it in the newspapers.
"The smart investors are buying up waterfront properties in Bangkok and Singapore, hedging their bets. They believe one or the other of those cities will become the next far eastern business hub." I delivered my news as if it was common knowledge in the City.
My brother picked up the inference immediately.

We chatted about family matters until I had to leave to catch a late train back to Clacton on the Essex coast. My message would be delivered. I knew that.

My intel gathering in the work archives had led to a new understanding of the City of London. I hadn't known that it was independent from the United Kingdom. I had not known that the country did not benefit from this HQ of globalist parasites in our capital city, quite the reverse being true.
It offended my cockney soul.

I witnessed banter and jokes between the executive class in 1st Class carriages, posh restaurants and at office parties. I knew what they thought of working class people.
It was not pretty.

Several months later the brazen globalist gamblers in the Board rooms of London were bemoaning an unexpected turn of events and I listened carefully to the gossip and news.

The King of Thailand had implemented new laws.
A male foreigner may marry a Thai woman to purchase land.
However, when he does, the ownership goes to the Thai wife.
Alternatively, a foreigner may buy a Thai property by forming a company and buying property through the company.
There is a strict condition on these purchases.
It is that the company should be at least 51% owned by Thais.
The new Thai laws allowed foreigners to own only 49% of the company at the most.

I sat back in my chair, shorthand pad at the ready.
A smile on my lips and a big fat YES in my heart.

"More coffee, gentlemen?" oozed from my innocent and apparently unintelligent working class face.