This moment we own it

in #gems4 years ago

Me levanto todos los días con el pensamiento de dar lo mejor de mi.

I get up every day with the thought of giving my best.

Sabías que todo lo que nos pasa comienza con nuestro pensamiento?

Did you know that everything that happens to us begins with our thinking?


Los invito a ser positivos, te invito a pensar en ti, te invito a olvidarte por un segundo del mundo ¿Por qué? porque, cariño, para ayudar a los que queremos y para cumplir nuestras metas tenemos que ayudarnos primero a nosotros mismos. No podremos ayudar completamente a otro sí no hemos resuelto nuestros asuntos con nosotros mismos.

I invite you to be positive, I invite you to think of yourself, I invite you to forget for a second about the world. Why? Because, darling, to help those we love and to meet our goals we have to help ourselves first. We will not be able to fully help another if we have not resolved our affairs with ourselves.

All the images in this post were made by me, I am the author.