in #gems2 years ago



Dear great hive audience, the alarming rate at which the use of hard drug and consumption of hard liquor is increasing is very disturbing. Go all around our nation today, you cannot walk for 200 metres before you find a joint for the sale of liquor and Indian hemp and you will always finds good number of young folks around, either smoking or drinking liquor. Gone are those days when those who could not afford a bottle of alcohol drink such as champagne, seaman's shinapp or other brands of liquor will need to go and sit down. Today is being served and sold in small sachets, bottles and at affordable prices. Thus making it available all the time and everywhere for all prospective buyers.


Marijuana also called indian hemp or cannabis is the dried and ground up or shredded parts of the cannabis plant. Nearly all parts of the plant make up cannabis, including the leaves, stem, flowers, and seeds.

How marijuana (cannabis) affects the body

The use of cannabis could affect the users both physically and psychologically and it could also be for long or short term. All these are examined here:

How marijuana could be used

  • smoking
  • vaporizing
  • cooking
  • using it as part of an oil
  • brewing and using it as teas
  • using it in oral cannabis products

Cannabis vaporizing

How cannabis affects physical health

Some of the most common effects on physical health from cannabis use include:

  • A higher likelihood of developing bronchitis, when a person smokes it
  • More phlegm, when a person smokes it
  • Lung irritation
  • Accidental burning of the mouth or throat when smoking
  • A weakened immune system due to the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis
  • Faster heart rate by 20–50 beats per minute
  • Red eyes from the increase in blood flow
    *Aggravation of existing lung conditions, such as asthma, when a person smokes it
  • Potential interference with tumor growth
  • Interference with fetal development during pregnancy
  • Interference with brain development among teenagers

How cannabis affects psychological health

Some of the most common psychological effects a person may experience include:

  • Increased appetite and thirst
  • Increased depression symptoms depending on the user
  • Increased anxiety symptoms
    *Impaired judgment, making it harder for people to think clearly
    *Problems with memory
  • The release of dopamine, which causes the feeling of being high
    *Symptoms of withdrawal after long-term use
  • Delayed reactions to stimuli
  • Temporary paranoia and hallucination

Potential long-term effects of cannabis

  • Memory loss
  • Concentration and memory issues from exposure while in the womb
  • Lung irritation
  • Possibility of lung cancer
  • Development of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome which causes nausea and vomiting

In summary, very soon, there may be more insane people on our streets

Possible effects of unhealthy use of hard liquor


Use of hard liquor is another rampart practice in all communities around us today. It is also having grave health dangers. Such dangers are likelihood of:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
    *Digestive problems
  • Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum. * Weakening of the immune system, increasing the chances of getting sick
  • Learning and memory problems, including dementia and poor school performance


The future may be so bleak, health-wise for those who are with abusing the use of hard drug and hard liquor.
Thanks for going through this piece. pastormike