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RE: Giving Back 3 - Full UP Votes for Newbies or Those Left Out in the COLD!

in #giving-back6 years ago

Wow tnx for dis initiative, so inspiring.
I'm Effeeloo Blessing, the first of 2 kids, studied human anatomy, and I love smiling.
I was introduced to steemit by a friend wen my life was becoming boring, and I glad I joined cause I got the opportunity to experience a new world and I love meeting new people. I'm here to learn new things about cryptocurrency and to meet a lot of people who can help me grow in this platform, and also to gain positively from everyone and every post here, and I glad I met someone like you.. Tnx a lot


Hi Effeeloo, nice to meet you! It's always good to smile. It can brighten someone's day and its so easy to do and doesn't cost a thing.

You will learn a lot about cryptocurrency here. It takes a lot of study but its fun to learn about, and fun to get some just from posting here! Stay positive and Steem on!

You have met the requirements and have received FULL UP Vote #5 - Congrats!