Silver - Round Eight (A Bit More Gold)

in #gold3 years ago (edited)


• 1 gram Gold Bar - Valcambi •

I wanted to add a tiny bit more gold to the stack--diversification and education.

I could understand if someone called this a "sliver" or a "flake" instead of a "bar," but it is not always the size that counts... especially when last year alone the US Fed Res system printed something like 22% of all the dollars in existence.

Inflation can be brutal... so here we go on some precious metals learning.

On top of that, in regards to precious metals in general, @silverd510 made a great post this week pointing out that the CEO of Scottsdale Mint said there is no more silver grain available in the USA, yet the spot price did not respond to this statement in the way one might expect. To me this is very interesting.

Fun stuff.


Why I Started Experimenting with Silver (and Gold)

I mentioned this in my first post regarding silver and still maintain the mindset...

I wanted to get ahold of a little bit of silver to inspire me to actually watch the precious metals markets on occasion, to actually listen to those around me (digitally or physically) who discuss it.

If I simply intend to watch and learn, I will absorb maybe one-tenth the information.

If I purchase a silver round worth $25 though, then I will have a starting point to attach and build my awareness, I will start to gain a little bit of experience and emotion with it. Whatever comes of that doesn't need to be huge knowledge; for now I am noticing an enjoyment here, perhaps an interest, perhaps an occasional hobby. We will see. If nothing else, it gives my brain another chart to hold up against the rest of them in a general sense, for a general awareness.

So far, so good.

Be well.
(words and images are original, and I am not a financial advisor, and this is not financial advice.)
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Thanks for the report, @lionsuit. When Gold hits $3,110 (USD), that Gold Gram, will be a:
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Heh. 👍💪🥇🥈🚀

Yes, I am buying gold too (and silver when I can find it!)
Good job, @lionsuit!

Nice. Same to you! 😊🥇🥈🚀

Smart move buying gold and silver. You will someday be very happy you did. Thanks for the compliment

I agree. 👍🥇🥈🚀
Sure thing.

I don't think the Comex has any silver to deliver.
Anecdotal rumors having customers that Stood For Delivery get paid out in Cash then counted as Silver Delivered.
As for allocated Silver sales? Owners are not parting with their Inventories due to 'Too low" Interest to make it worth it.
Yeah, I'm not a Financial Advisor either.

Thanks for the Share @lionsuit

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