It has been a bit of a taboo subject but in my eyes not really. It is important to dissect it and see where society is going wrong. We see it every day and some people don't notice it but it is there.

I think I am knowledgeable enough to speak about this subject comfortably. I have lived in a racist society under the Apartheid government and now under the ANC running the South African government. In my opinion they are both as bad as each other. Two wrongs don't make a right and where one had an opportunity of stamping racism out they haven't.

When i was growing up in South Africa we had the National party in power and Apartheid was a law segregating anyone else with a different color skin. Whites lived in the better areas surrounded by Indian areas and then you had the black areas. They Indians were like the buffer between everyone.

If you were white you could go to the beach and go anywhere you wanted. A black person couldn't go to any beach and there were beaches set aside for them. There were signs up preventing them from enjoying the prime bathing spots. Towards the end turnstiles were in place to deter them as they became pay beaches.

After 6 in the evening if you were black you had to carry papers with you and would be locked up if you were in a white area with no papers. this was a way of controlling their movements and keeping crime to a minimal. Most of the white houses employed black staff as garden boys and maids. That is a practice that still happens today and they are looked after fairly well. I have a maid and she gets paid with a pension. Jobs are hard to come by and not that we need a maid but she helps around the house.

Today we see many similarities of the old regime. If you are white then you are not eligible for certain jobs as companies have to employ blacks first. The universities have a quota of black students and if you are white there are limited spots for you. Business opportunities are given to black companies first and it is not a fair tender process. The whole change is called BEE which stands for Black Economic Empowerment. One of the rules is you are not allowed to do a proper medical test when employing. No blood tests are allowed. When I returned to South Africa banks demanded a blood test for taking out house loans. In Natal it is more like 50% of the population has Aids. Look at the picture below and this will tell you why.

Both of these governments have caused resentment against each other and it will continue until someone sees the light. The hatred carried over by the blacks to the whites has gone on far too long and the generations that are around now barely saw it. The new generations or the millennials shouldn't be thinking any hatred as the black government was already in power for 6 years. If anything the white children today should have resentment and not the black kids.

The parents are to blame to some extent as they would understand listening to their parents how bad it was.It shouldn't be an issue today but it is. The attitude that I see from both sides is disgusting and I cannot see it ending anytime soon. There are culture differences yes but that shouldn't bring hatred but a better understanding.

The land grabs going on has been an eye opener as it is a smoke screen for many reasons. Hatred is one of the underlying influences though. There is a group called black lives first which shouldn't even be allowed to exist. They have all the opportunities in the world but all they are doing is showing how racist they are.

My niece studied to be a chiropractor which she passed but the aim was to become a doctor. She had to apply to university and go on a waiting list for students to drop out. There is a high failure rate and she was told she could join from year 4. She comes first and second out of the university now and had to wait because of her skin color. Not on her marks or anything to do with that but there are only a handful of places foe whites out of hundreds of students. I say whites but Indians are also not welcome but not as badly affected.

We knew it would take time but I won't see it in my life time and maybe my kids wont either but it has to slowly get better as scars are healed. Education and improved finances for all is a start and maybe with a different happy attitude racism will be finally buried but I can't see it.

Image source slide player .com


Yeah the divide is massive down there ehike I was there but . We are 20 years peace in the in Northern Ireland . But Hatred takes generations to go away and it doesn’t look like it is going to stop anytime soon down there .

Many generations and what gets me is the attitude. There is so much hatred when people look at each other.

It does seem crazy, doesn't it?

I always wondered about how it happens that when a repressed people thought it was wrong and unjust to be forcibly repressed, could then justify doing the same when the tables were turned.

When the repressed get the opportunity to control their own lives better, why do they not strive to make sure it happens to no one again, instead of turning around and doing the same thing to others that was done to them. Doesn't that mean they are just as guilty and just as much of the problem as anyone else ever was?

If you believe it is not right for other people to do, then it is not right for you to do it either. You either believe the concept is ok or you don't.

That is why two wrongs don't make a right. They are doing exactly what happened to them. The opportunity was there to fix it once and for all but stupidity and greed got in the way.

Damn, will there ever be an end to this?

I just can't see it. Both are to blame. There attitude sucks and no one trusts each other. You can literally see the hatred in people.

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howdy sir cryptoandcoffee! The situation there is such a shame because like you said the young kids growing up should be able to be raised without racism and things would quickly turn healthy in this generation and improve even more with the next but they are blowing it. so sad,
but great post!

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Sounds like reparations are being given to black South Africans. Remember the term "white people" was created in the early 1600's as a way to make black people an underclass so that other classes of people, specifically white people could profit.
Black people have lost so much, and its only right that reparations be paid.

To a point I agree. When there is racialism in reverse though I disagree as two wrongs don't make a right. We have had 25 years of a black government today and things should have changed sufficiently for this not to happen. I try and look pass the color of ones skin and the children of today shouldn't be seeing this now. I think the way they are going about it they are just creating more racialism.