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RE: Reflection on Lecture #1: Online Censorship and Ragnarok

in #gradnium2 years ago

hi @chandlerd :-) You make mention of some interesting points in your article.

As regards censorship and Youtube, or any platform for that matter, there is a difference between censorship and protection of copyright infringement. When people use songs or images belonging to others, there is a requirement to give credit to the owner of that song or image. With song rights, in particular, one is treading on dangerous ground as the ownership and royalty rights can be complex, from those belonging to the writers, the musicians, the artist performing the song, the record labels and producers. We had a discussion on this issue in one of the communities on Hive the other day and the general view was that one may be able to get away with fair use if one only quoted a line or two from a song but otherwise best not to go there. As for images, unless they are royalty-free, don't use them. This applies to blockchain too, including Hive, although some communities don't enforce it. As regards general censorhsip, however, the decentralised nature of blockchain does go some way to resolving this, although even Hive is susceptible to whale manipulation and therefore it is important that heavy investors in the platform and those who invest and act as witnesses continue to do so with integrity.

As for the games, i haven't played most of the ones you mention but I am interested in the upcoming psyberX game on Hive and have made an initial investment there myself. I do think the lore that grows around these games is fascinating and when they are based on existing mythical legends and characters and bring to the fore a revival of ancient learning, then that makes for a wonderful additional layer.

I enjoyed reading this post this fine Sunday! Hope you've had a great weekend.

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