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RE: The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote

in #gratitude6 years ago

I am grateful for so many things, especially over the last 4 - 5 years where I have undergone something of a switch in outlook and expression.

  • First and foremost, I am grateful for a return of creativity, without which I felt drained. It literally feels like I can breath again
  • I am grateful for steemit, which was the spark that reignited the flame of that creativity
  • and only today I was at the allotment and realized how grateful I felt for the simple act of growing my own food

Tomatoes are in a glut at the moment, along with bags of apples. Reaping this harvest, sown eight months ago, reminds me of the cycle in everything. It is these small messages interwoven in the fabric of the simple day to day that keep me fascinated with the world. Observing these patterns is like a meditation in movement, the quiet whisper of nature's spirit.