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RE: The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote

in #gratitude6 years ago

Hello, @kennyskitchen, gratitude is the basis for living, in perfect harmony and to attract blessings to our lives.
The equinox, is the change, from one phase to another, then we must thank everything, what surrounds us, even if it seems insignificant, I give you my ritual of daily gratitude.

  1. When I get up, I thank God, to see a new day before me, I get up and I feel totally healthy and with my loved ones.
  2. At the time of eating, I have the opportunity to eat in front of me, that food and all the people who make it come to my hands.
  3. I appreciate life, I am where I am, in my country Venezuela, thanks to my parents who conceived me and taught me everything I am, thanks to the man with whom I formed my home, and I was able to conceive my two wonderful children, and thank you for all the blessings that surround me every day
    I give you this phrase that I like a lot, for me, it's like a motto:
    I move for my life, in total gratitude, with love, health, peace and prosperity !!!, I always pronounce it.