Gratitude That I Found Cryptocurrency

in #gratitude5 years ago

I will admit that I am not one who got rich off cryptocurrency. Never was I in the Lambo crowd. My entry into cryptocurrency started by dipping my toe in during 2016. I got involved to a greater degree in 2017. It was during that time that I found Steem and joined in August of the year.


That said, I am very grateful to be involved in cryptocurrency. I see a much brighter future for, not only myself, but all of humanity. To say that I am a true believer in the long-term potential of cryptocurrency is an understatement.

It also strikes me how early in this process we are. There is a lot of development still left to do. Even though Satoshi's White Paper was released about 11 years ago, a great deal of the progress took place just in the last few years. I feel that we will see a significant jump over the next 3-5 years.

The existing system did not offer me much. I was like most others, working job only to be falling further behind. Early on, once out of school, I engaged in the debt thing only to learn that lesson the hard way. For the last couple decades, I lived rather close to the vest with my income always exceeding the money spent. This allowed me to put a few bucks away on a consistent basis.

Nevertheless, even as I approach 50, the likelihood that I would have enough of a nest egg by the time I was at retirement age was unlikely. The markets are such that large drops means more time is required to make it up. With the way the financial services industry is set up, it makes it tough to operate. Flexibility is not the main characteristic of most programs.

I honestly do not think humanity had an opportunity like we are seeing with cryptocurrency. There is so much that is going to be coming along, we are going to see repeated chances for people to get involved in very good projects. Some of these will end up being the household names of tomorrow.

Opportunities are coming to average people. Cryptocurrency is for the every (wo)man. Any individual can participate and grow an account over time. With each generation of development, we are going to see opportunities that are even better than today.


Innovation is key to our future. Technology is advancing at an accelerating rate. We finally have a system that could potentially enable average people to participate. The days of it being limited to Wall Street insiders and Silicon Valley venture capitalists are coming to an end.

What most excites me is the fact that this movement is going to reach every corner of the planet. Eventually, everyone in the world will be online, meaning they can benefit from the "new" internet that is being created. Those countries that historically suffered the most can benefit the quickest.

We live in a world that still promotes the idea of win/loss. Even though they pay lip service to the win-win paradigm, it is mostly just that. It is impossible to have a system of win-win when it is based upon scarcity.

Cryptocurrency is changing that. We are seeing the introduction of abundance. This is starting at the financial level yet will shift into many other areas. Some of the other technologies in development will see this coming into being over the next 10-15 years.

It is easy to get caught up in what we have compared to others. That is exactly what society taught us to do. It talks about "keeping up with the Joneses" meaning we are continually put on the negative side of the equation. No matter how much one has, there is always someone with more (unless you are Jeff Bezos).

With cryptocurrency, everyone is free to forge his or her own path. There are thousands of different projects out there to get involved in. One has the choice of where to put time, money, and effort. With freedom comes responsibility and we are all responsible for those choices we make.

Ultimately, I feel it will be good for all of humanity. As this industry unfolds, we are going to see some pretty amazing things.

For that, I am grateful that I got involved at such as early time.

Cryptocurrency set my life on a different path.

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I will admit that I am not one who got rich off cryptocurrency.


Very true. I do agree that it is a yet at this point. No if but when.

It is the reward for being an early adopter in such an explosive industry.

Yeah buddy! I wanted in on btc so bad the moment i heard of it. I lacked the comfidence to do it myself. And, wished, hoped, wanted my hubby at the time to get me some for my bday and xmas gifts. I actually think i begged for it. Silly me! Oh well. Glad to be involved via steem. It's created the confidence i needed, ease of use and a community 2nd to none. Until yet arrived....keep on stackin' ❤

Rats I guess you beat me to it.

I maintain that anyone who plays it safe and believes in the new paradigm will be living in abundance within 5 years, even if they pump a bunch of wealth in at a local peak and watch 90% of it vanish in the first year.

This is what's going to happen to most people.
Most money gets dumped on the market during the FOMO phase.
It's the veterans that will be taking profits and creating hedges during this time.

I think the time we will get rich off of crypto inches ever so closer!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I believe you are correct.

Thank you for posting from the interface 🦁

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