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RE: The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote

in #gratitude6 years ago

Thank you for this invitation! What a beautiful way to celebrate the Equinox.

I am grateful for my inner guidance, and for my dedication to learning how to heed it more clearly, which has led to finding alignment and joy in all areas of my life (including finding you, my love).

I am grateful for my healthy, strong, beautiful body. I feel fortunate that it carries me where I want to go, doesn't complain much (so far), and allows me to connect to others in such profound ways.

I am grateful for the love and support that others generously offer me in my friendships and communities, and for the myriad opportunities I have to love and be of service to others.



I am so grateful for all of those things as well! (especially the parts that helped lead to our connection)

I had such a wonderful time celebrating the Equinox with you, and am so grateful to have you here on STEEM with us.

Thanks for sharing your gratitude!