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RE: Guilt! Share the Pain and Pass it on.

in #guilt4 years ago

After forever of feeling guilty or allowing myself to be made to feel guilty over pretty much everything one can be made to feel guilty over, I've just accepted the fact that I am a terrible person who will never amount to anything and will always be wrong no matter what and life is much easier now ;D


I'm working on that bit. I think I might be getting there. I'm pretty sure I managed to win the world's worst mum trophy, as I just found out this weekend. I'm just the best at putting my foot in my mouth and not even realising it. At least I don't need to try and keep hold of a reputation I don't have.

Ahh parenting. The one thing you're most definitely guaranteed to never be doing right at any stage XD


Just remember, we're un/lucky enough to be their safe space, they wouldn't dare unleash this crap on their friends because they'd end up with none, so uhh nice to be trusted that much I guess? :)

That's a thought to get you running around in circles. She loves me enough to be her safe space! 🤣

Thank you. 💚