Happy Mother's Day - Mothers of the World

in #happiness4 years ago (edited)

Hey-o everyone...How the hell are ya?!?!?!?!?!?

First off, I'd like to extend my best wishes for all you 'mothers' of the world out there, with a BIG "Happy Mother's Day." If I knew your name and addresses, I would have sent all of you a box of candies, or flowers. Fortunately for my Bank Account...I don't know who you are or, where you live.


Nothing much has happened around here over the past few days. They haven't lifted the stupid, 'Stay at Home' order yet (which I don't abide by anyway) More and more people seem to be getting tired of listening to these oppressive Government orders, and moving about freely, more and more.

I'm happy to see that. Maybe this will be a lesson for many and start re-thinking their once, rely on the Government 'trust' mindset? Remember all those whacko politicians, especially Governors and Mayors who said and did some of the most 'stupid' things during this period of time; then vote them 'OUT of OFFICE' the first chance you get.

Remember the most tyrannical, sociopathic bullies who "MANDATED" that you OBEY them (regardless of orders) or risk being arrested and locked up in jail...!!! All without ANY concern for what may happen to your children, your pets or ailing loved ones if left alone, while they shackled you and threw you in a cell.

Meanwhile...the Mayor can get her hair and nails done at a Salon which opened especially for 'her'; because she wanted to "look good" while addressing constituents by way of T.V. "I'm in the public eye and felt I needed a Haircut"....

Well, dear Mayor... It's time the voters 'CUT YOU FROM OFFICE'

Dumb, egotistical, ugly bitch...!!! No 'haircut' is going to help 'you' look any better, with a mug like yours.

Well...I probably should end this post here, before I get accused of treating our glorious leaders 'TOO' good...

I know...I know... I went a little too easy on the retards; but, hey...ole AngryMan has been 'happy' lately; remember?

Listen, my friends... Enjoy the day with family and friends... If you're lucky enough to have any.

Once again... Happy Mother's Day

See ya soon.


@AngryMan on @Hive.blog May 11, 2020

Free Images: Compliments of Pixabay.com


Happy Mother's Day to you too!