Motherhood: It's Raining Babies Around Me Lately 🥰

in #happy2 months ago

The joy I experience when I hear about the safe delivery of a baby around me knows no bounds. This is partly because I've experienced the stress of pregnancy and associated pains during delivery.

While I share in other people's joy, I have noticed myself feeling a bit pressured subconsciously to take in and possibly make my Sonshine big brother 🫣. Hubby thinks otherwise though, as he has a lot of reservations about delivery processes around me and wants my next child to be in a hospital with some guarantees for mother and child's life due to the complications I had during delivery of my Sonshine.


Anyway, this is the second baby boy from people I know within a space of one week. The first was last week that my brother-in-law's wife put to birth, that's a young cousin to my Sonshine. The second one is from a client turned friend who I did her makeup for the pregnancy studio photoshoot. She shared her baby's photo with me and gave me permission to share as much as I wanted.


Have you ever felt some sort of peer pressure seeing other women giving birth? How did you cope?
