
We need game changing moments like this to bring in a wave of new interest and boost the STEEM price!

I couldn't agree with you more

i thought it was some major malfunction at first when i started noticing the retroactive changes of everything in pending payouts shooting up like 10x it's value. I thought maybe I have been awake too long 24hr and I'm losing my mind what is happening with this fork, any second now it will go back, but nope here we are everyones still freaking out lol. Only a matter of time before this hype starts breaking out of the steemitsphere into other social media

What has the history of other hardforks told us? Sometimes, things like to repeat themselves. I personally think a little bit of correction will take place, but with the general growth and upwards trend spiral, things are looking nice for the top posters on the site. Definitely could be a lot of potential over the next few weeks :)

What a Magical day it's been! :) The STEEM DREAM IS LIVE!

I think we should be cautious and be in a state of pending correction without being pessimistic. I mean, quality of posts could be affected due to huge amount of potential profit and it might the overall 'value' of steem(it).

Im no expert, but from my point of view,i would rather be cautious rather than hugely devastated in such a case.

quality of posts could be affected due to huge amount of potential profit

Well, there's a lot of dreck already. 😏

I've been reading many are seeing a dramatic decrease in post quality last two days. I hope that changes. I only came here a week ago, but it'll be a shame if the neighborhood deteriorates

I know what you mean, even the comments bellow the posts are always the same, even on 'bad' posts. But i guess this is a transition and since I can't find a better solution or better version of how it is , I am taking my time and waiting to see how this will look like in 3-6 months from now.

I believe those with power on steemit will weed out the unsavories. I hope!

To the moon we'll go!

Voting may not be as strong on new posts while people get used to the new voting power rules and reconfigure their voting bots. After the initial jubilation around existing posts I think lots of people are just waiting to see what happens next.

Thanks for the video :) It is really a very interesting time here on steemit and I am super excited on how this hard fork might effect steemit on the long run ;)

Nice job!
Upvoted, followed and re-steemed :)

Best day of my life and i am looking forward to the days ahead... the adrenaline for the last couple hours have been through the roof..... thank you steemit i really appreciate it

Thank you for the video @ dan-atstarlite:)

@dan-atstarlite great post mate keep on steeming

Its a best hardfork ever, all steemians are heppy, i think this will attract a lot of new users and the community will be better off from it, just as it will positively affect the course of the coin.

We can only hope...... Thank you for sharing.

Good watch mate, loving the background though, looks beautiful

I am quite ready for the correction. I find this HF19 incredible. Thank you for your very pertinent analysis of the situation. I'll follow you. We never have enough good advice like yours;)

Yes, with this I think steemit will grow very fast.

So far it looks great. What is for sure in my opinion is, that people will be so much more selective on who they vote. Happy HardFork.

Good video.
There is uncertainty of how the steemit platform will work after this HF, since there will be less upvotes.
As you said, we have to wait until the dust settle down.

I'm sure there will be some correction. Things can't just be good constantly.

hardforks are always exciting

Excitement is everywhere, corrections and such are bound to occur, but for right now its to the MOON.

I think its gonna grow fast. I love it and I cant wait to see whats ahead :0) thx steemit

I had the best day today! This is quite exciting for the people that have been grinding but are still relatively new. Finally had some nice sized post this last week, I was watching the screen at the time of the switch and I was in pure shoke. I know a lot of people here get above 100 regularly but I got my first over 100$ post this week and that made me feel pretty damn good. Even if there is a correction it makes me very invested in the site long term. Even if I could get a few windfalls here and there it can really make a difference in my life. Today was a game changer for me, I am ready to work twice as hard now.

Great job Dan. I was thinking exactly the same thing. You bring up some very important points. I'm planing on voting the same way I have been and see how that looks after today and tomorrow.
That pool is looking pretty good! It is almost ready for pool meetings! LOL

It sure is exciting! Happy Hardforking! The opportunities are endless on this platform!

...STEEM to The Moon!


It's amazing with what's happening in steemit now. People suddenly his money out of the box.

Was very cool seeing all my .80¢ posts shoot up to over 5$ a piece. HF has been good to me, like a fresh breath of life.

Hows it taste eating with a Hardfork?



It's been a while since I had a hardfork...