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RE: Decentralizing Hive dApps: HBD Potato

in #hbdpotato3 years ago

I'd still like to know how leasing hp is any different to selling votes.
If you sell your vote one at at time it is no different than selling it wholesale for a time period.

If someone could tell me how I am wrong about this, that would be great.
I'm pretty sure we already forked out the vote sellers, then we turn around and respect other vote sellers?


In many cases, It's not very different. But some people are leasing HP just to avoid having to power up hive but still having vote worth something.

I personally prefer having most of my Hive liquid, but I'm leasing HP to keep my vote value at ~$0.1 (even if I'm losing money since I pay more than I get from curation).

But some people are leasing HP just to avoid having to power up hive but still having vote worth something.

Right, still breaking proof of brain,...I guess I am one of the few remaining that care about the original dream of creating original content to get rewards.
Now we just buy them, and everybody that knows the difference has cashed out.