First of what is thyroid problem?
Thyroid is part of the endocrine system, the system that produces our body's hormones. When the thyroid are not working as they should chances are the adrenals, the pineal gland, the hypothalamus and all of the other glands are not working optimally either.
A very common sign of thyroid problems is persistent neck pain. More specifically a duplication in the c3 through c7 vertebrae in your neck can be major indication of problems with your thyroid.LOW ENERGY AND POOR SLEEP
Feeling sluggish and tired all the time is another sign of poor thyroid function.JOINT PAIN
Another common sing of thyroid problems is joint pain anywhere in the body. Achiness, swelling, or a feeling of "being out of place" in any joints is your body's way of telling you that your thyroid is not functioning properly.HAIR OR SKIN PROBLEMS
A frequent though big well-known sign of thyroid issues iis hair and skin problems.SUDDEN WEIGHT CHANGES
One last major sign of thyroid problems deals with sudden weight changes.