Healing the Hidden Wound: Why Cut Babies? [VIDEO]

in #health5 years ago

The Truth About Circumcision.jpg

I recently had a chance to visit one of my favorite freethinkers, the very free-spirited Pyasa Neko Siff. We enjoyed a lively discussion at her home base in Ecuador, where she teaches everything from somatic sexology to intimacy and other subjects relating to sex and the human body.

Pyasa wrote a fantastic, well-researched book called the Intimacy Adventure Playbook which you can find on her website.

Her passion is helping people to discover a felt sense of safety in the body. Early childhood trauma led her to immerse herself in a process of sexual healing which inspired her dedication to lifting the veil on the individual – and collective – sexual/social conditioning that has kept humanity limited and depressed.

For Anarchast episode 470, I wanted to focus on a subject that is very near and dear to my, well… masculinity. When it comes to circumcision, it’s not the easiest thing for men to talk about. In fact, when I bring it up, people are often quick to cut me off — ouch!


In all seriousness, Pyasa was the perfect person to get into this “touchy” subject with, because like me, she understands how ancient and damaging this form of genital mutilation is.

Circumcision is unscientific; part of the old religious sexual hierarchy that traps people, keeping them from fully becoming themselves and truly being free. In other words, similar to many other aspects of modern society, circumcision is part of the systematic enslavement that controls people, their bodies and how they perceive sexuality.

As Pyasa points out, this barbaric practice is an extension of how so many have been taught to think about sex for centuries — that we should be ashamed of our bodies and “private parts.”


In truth, humans are beautiful and so are our sexual practices, hence why the “tradition” of circumcising male babies is so pervasive. Sexually mutilating any human immediately after birth causes complete shock and trauma to a baby’s body, despite the naive belief that infants aren’t harmed by the cosmetic procedure.

In actuality, babies feel circumcision intensely throughout their entire body and the long term psychological effects can be troubling, but no one talks about it!

Furthermore, as boys grow into adulthood, their foreskins would have become full of nerves and nerve endings, which enhance physical pleasure, so when men realize what’s been taken away from them, they can understandably get pretty upset.

Check out our full interview:

Needless to say, the video above will be enlightening for anyone looking to broaden their sexual horizons and understand more about the human body, including your own!

We covered everything from finding sexual fulfillment to foreskin restoration/regeneration, stem cell treatment, and more.

You can learn all about Pyasa’s fascinating work and connect with her in person at the upcoming Anarchapulco 2020, where she will be a featured presenter, along with other champions of freedom like Dr. Ron Paul, Sherry Peel Jackson, Doug Casey, Freeway Rick Ross, John McAfee, and a few surprise guests you probably won’t believe until you see!


Pyasa uses embodiment exercises, sexological bodywork, mindfulness and emotional release to create a platform for participants to deprogram holistically. Her unique approach facilitates the release of unconscious patterns, and the reconstruction of neural networks to embody their original design.

Join us this February at Anarchapulco 2020 and experience the evolution of humanity!

Tickets for The World’s Premier Liberty Event are expected to sell out, so be sure to reserve yours while you can.


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People still do this these days? Crazy programmed people lol

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Struck a nerve with me Jeff. thanks for helping me contiplate my mutilation.

I can't get over this still happens today. Your raising a good point here Jeff and bring it to the attention of the masses. It's the only way we can change things 💯🐒