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RE: How can people still smoke knowing what we know today?

in #healthlast year

I may be a country kid, but I'm not a redneck. In some ways that's good, in others, maybe not so much. I know when I worked in The Call Center From Hell, a lot of my co-workers flocked out the door for a smoke break every chance they got. Sales is stressful, even when we were inbound calls only, and not dialing out for leads, much less cold-calling.


I never did much office work because I mostly worked in construction but the smokers get more "acceptable breaks" than non smokers and this is a bit unfair if you ask me. If someone left their post as frequently as smokers do in order to do something else like say, spend the same amount of time it takes to smoke playing a GameBoy or something like that, they would be reprimanded for it.

I can't even imagine call center work buddy. I feel your pain :)