
I understand where you are coming from.
I have been there. I studied all of the science.

However, you do not know where I am coming from.
And there is no way for me to explain it to you.
You cannot describe color to a blind person.

So, when you start having these experiences, then you to will throw out all the works such as you have just written. It has happened before, it will happen again.

And when you do, I hope there is someone there to help you while your entire sciencism world crumbles around you.

Sorry, I do not want to be enigmatic, but you have to experience it for yourself. And the idea of it just being the mind playing tricks on you is laughable in face of the piles of shared experiences. There really, truly is more out there.

You cannot describe color to a blind person.

I have done plenty of drugs. Probably more than you ever have. So really. This saying doesn't really apply here.

This is not a matter of sciencism. There is nothing out there other than death and decay. Whatever you believe is just that. Belief. There is no evidence for anything else. I would like to believe that there is but really, there isn't.

Plenty. Good. probably too much drugs that messed up your mind until you forgot what is the spiritual benefits it may have to individuals. I psycedelicls has helped alot of street drugs users like meth and such to turn over a new leaf.

drugs can't help you get away from drugs

No evidence? LOL Yes there is.