Creating A New Healthcare System

in #health4 months ago

Fixing the Healthcare System

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Healthcare in the U.S. is a widely conversed about topic. Everyone here knows that a visit in a hospital or a ride in an ambulance will manifest a bill that may be expensive. It’s so widespread that it’s been accepted and joked about as an inescapable event which will someday happen to everyone. I am worried about a sudden injury or event where I’ll need to pay off medical bills. I graduated from high school less than a year ago, and I’m already worrying about a potential huge and lifechanging event that could cost me thousands of dollars for the rest of my life. I’m honestly glad I saved up as much money as I have, as it adds a level of comfort for me to know I may be able to handle a sudden expense; however, the healthcare system shouldn’t be something nearly every citizen fears or worries about. Healthcare can be fixed, and we should take it upon ourselves to implement it into our current system. If we can’t implement the changes we need for the healthcare system with our current form of government or governing laws, then we take steps towards changing the entire system to make it work. Healthcare is a vital part of present-day life, as most people cannot cover a sudden emergency expense. As explained in “The Cure That Works – How to Have the World’s Best Healthcare – At a Quarter of the Price” lecture by Dr. Sean Flynn, we know of and even invented ways here in the U.S. to make the current healthcare system better for many parties, not just the individuals. He used a variety of examples to prove his point, some of these being Singapore and Whole Foods.

Changing It Up
The healthcare system in the U.S. is a nightmare. Surgeries and diseases can completely alter family plans with future savings. Medical insurance is basically a requirement if someone was to ever plan a need for any kind of treatment. The solutions in place for people who can’t afford their own healthcare costs U.S. citizens billions of dollars in taxes and the people who are meant to receive this care aren’t even guaranteed it. There’s an enormous list of problems with the healthcare system, and mostly everyone in the states knows several. Even other countries joke about how outrageous our prices are or how bad our healthcare system is. Their opinions are invalid in the argument of healthcare here in the U.S. because they aren’t from here and they lost the war (RAHHH ‘MERICA FOREVER), but them knowing about our flawed healthcare system is evidence enough that there’s obviously a problem. Dr. Flynn even explains that it’s confusing as to why we still have a broken system, as we have come up with the solutions to our problems already. We’ve just failed to implement them. This is likely due to various reasons that I could assume regard money, and then some other reasons that Dr. Flynn describes. Singapore was one place Dr. Flynn mentioned that was a great example of the implementations we could make. They incorporated ideas founded here in the U.S. and demonstrated how successful they could be.

What Else to Say?
This is a shorter essay than most of my other ones, but what else is there to really say? Dr. Flynn does a great job explaining and demonstrating how these changes would work and how successful they could be. In short, all that’s left is to implement them. This takes backing, however, and even though support for healthcare is a major factor in most elections and political endeavors, I think it would still be difficult to proceed with the changes. A part of me thinks that insurance companies wouldn’t want to change to a decentralized and free market for healthcare. They would use their money and leverage to make it nearly impossible to pass any kind of bills that would change our current predicament. Businesses that offer healthcare for their employees, as Dr. Flynn explained, could obviously thrive off the changes; businesses who solely provide healthcare insurance likely wouldn’t be as prosperous in the new system. That’s probably the only imposing thought I have. If it were to come to light, then to change our healthcare we would likely need to start a new form of government.

The ways to change our healthcare system for the better exist, and we need to implement them. I’ll even take a stance in politics to push these ideas forward if that’s what it takes. I feel like these ideas are truly valid solutions and need to be implemented here in the states. Hopefully it’s something I can see done in my own lifetime, even if I must do it myself. It would be easy to get public support for this, and it would likely result in a better U.S. in the process. We should further our advancement as a country and society, and not let dumb and outdated systems bog us down and ruin our lives. We require change, and now that I know what it is I’ll do my best to explain it to anyone willing to listen.