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RE: Left of grief

in #health3 years ago

I've gone through your previous posts and the comments on this one, and I don't see where you have shared the beginning of this story with us! I was hoping it was fictional, that you'd gone into blogging creative writing instead of your usual deep thoughts, but no. You have had a mild stroke and are in the hospital, with treatments still in flux, which suggests your condition is somewhat unstable, and with lots of rehab ahead of you. Have I got that right?

I know you as someone very dynamic, able to get stuff done and still find time to blog extensively.

Your mind is still very sharp, that's obvious, and excellent. Your attitude could not be better: practical and determined. You've got this if anyone does.

I was once a wife of a very ill husband. The feelings are enormous, and the challenges seem impossible to meet.

I wish you all a speedy return to stability, safety and joy.