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RE: I Quit Eating for 28 Days [Water Fast] : Day 5 (Detoxification)

in #health6 years ago

Day 4-6 is always the hardest imo. The stomach pains and excrement through the pores is enough to scare most people into putting more poisons back into their body that they were just trying to get out.
Some advice that helped me through my first time was that the stomach pains are not hunger pains. Hunger pain happens in your tongue and throat.
The feeling in your stomach is just the parasitic worms attacking you to feed them what they need to grow. Enemas are a great way to get rid of them, and a raw veganic diet will help keep them away.


Wow that is some awesome information! Thank you for pointing this out! It never occurred to me that would be the case.. I will do more research on that and would probably cover this point you made in today's blog! How long did you fast may I ask?

Only got to about day 10, but I keep trying for 30 every year. My goals are to fast 1 day per month, 1 week per year, and 1 month per decade. It's my 3rd year after learning about fasting, I think I'll be able to go the whole 30 when I try it this next year.
Besides for overall better health, I chose fasting to get rid of a stomach bulge and extra skin around my waist that exercise wouldn't. That's when I learned it wasn't fat in my stomach, but rather a colony of parasites trying to make my body their home. Fasting, intermittent fasting, and enemas got rid of them, and that muffin top look around my waist.

Wow that's awesome! Seems like you have been at it a long time! May I ask what made you stop at 10 days?

I'm actually quite surprised by the amount of people who are actively practicing fasting despite the fact that it doesn't come up in any mainstream medicinal practices at all.

I am covering parasites today based on the information you provided and some research I did on my own in a little while!

Great! It's always nice to see more people helping others learn truths that public indoctrination camps won't teach children.

Wish I had a better excuse for why I stopped, but the truth is that I just forget that I'm fasting. I must have ruined at least a dozen fasts now, wondering "why am I chewing food right now". It sucks, but I keep catching myself eating after it's too late.

Hahaha I love the honesty! I can actually definitely imagine that happening to me!

I mentioned you again in my post today!

thank u for theme