
I never thought that antibiotics could give us Nightmares. Actually that's explain a lot. My GF took an antibiotics, and yes, she had some nightmares couple days ago :|

Yeah it can get bad, but the good news is they stop the day after your last dose. Hope she won't have to take them for long.


Heya @puddinpaws!

While you might think it's a curse to get nightmares from antibiotics, I think it's amazing to have such vivid dreams because of it! It isn't a good idea to have them prescribed to you unless you really need them.

I remember the last time I went to the doctor for an extremely sore throat, I was given really strong cough medicine instead. My doctor said that one of their 70 year old patients became immune to antibiotics from receiving them too early on in life, and now when they really need them—it won't help.

Tin foil hats off, these are medications that shouldn't be abused. Thank you for writing this!


Yes this was my PSA of the month because antibiotics are an unfortunate part of my life and too frequently to I hear about hypochondriacs demanding them thinking a pill will fix everything.

That is the one problem with modern Western medicine, everyday people think they take a pill and all their problems disappear. It's why anti-depressants are like one of the leading prescription medicines sold in America.

Anyway this is one of those topics that needs to be circulated... Super Gonorrhea is a huge thing now sweeping sexually active people!

"Everyday people think they take a pill and all their problems disappear."

Very true, I know quite a bit of people prescribed Adderall for their ADHD and other times friends have told me that I should be medicated for my stress. So quick to jump the gun on any miracle pill, people forget that things like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) exist, and not asking the patient to do anything on their part can and does lead to reliance on medication.

I remember when I was younger that my mom had bottles and bottles of prescription meds in her purse, and it struck me as odd that she would need so many.

Super Gonorrhea... Is it less treatable than regular gonorrhea?

I noticed in other countries they are more apt to use behavioural therapies, which is refreshing. It helps the patient actually grow I think.

As for super gonorrhea... YES it is very difficult to treat since it does not respond well to the normal dosage of antibiotics. (>_<)

That's good to know that over-medicating isn't exactly an international problem c:

And ah! I now have another reason to save needing antibotics x'D

You said it all we need to be vigilant about our health so as to use this antibiotics when needed. Have this boss that takes pandol ( a drug for headache ) every now and then ,it like the drug does not work on him any more..
Am not a fan antibiotics as I only take when I need it , now I know it gives nightmares I have another reason to avoid it.
Awesome post

Yes please spread the word! Until large pharamcuedical companies start taking this seriously, and manufacturing newer antibiotics, we need to use what we have more wisely indeed.

In fact, all medicine should be used this way.

Thanks for reading!