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RE: Investigating the truth behind @steemtruth’s “truth” - Part 1: Vaccines do not stop desease?

in #health6 years ago

oranges are healthy for sure, and maybe they even help your immune system a little.
But they don't immunize you against deadly diseases.


what deadly diseases? like Cancer ?

oh, I waited for you^^

Like measles, mumps, tetanus, diphteria, meningitis, pneumokocci, polio and yes - hpv which is able to cause cervix cancer.

All those are deadly - some more, some less - and/or can lead to serious long-term health problems.

No way to prevent them naturally?

Measles deadly ? My family has a measles party

Tetanus ? Is there immunity to a dirty wound? Toxoids prevent toxins ? You do know tetanus is anaerobic right ? Wound hygiene is most important

Polio ? Do you know what chemical poisoning is?
Have you researched Paris green, lead arsenate, BHC or DDT ?

If the "so called" diphtheria vaccine, which is in fact a toxoid, works against the toxin produced by the bacteria, and not against the bacteria itself, then how did this "vaccine" help in the decline in diphtheria?

Well I must be a miracle without all those vaccines

Do you know what chemical poisoning is?

I have a PhD in biological chemistry and I currently work as a senior researcher in the field of food toxicology, so the answer is yes.

Polio or chemical poisoning ?

Well I must be a miracle without all those vaccines

No, statistically enhanced risks do not mean that this happens in all cases. But listining to you guys one could assume that all those perfectly healthy vaccined children out there are miracles - but they (inlcuding me and my family) are 90%.

You can't "boost" the immune system. Otherwise, you would have constant inflammation. It would be extremely painful but "fortunately", it would not last long.

But the Big Orange wants you to think this :)
Thanks for the idea for my next post.
Now I'm going to eat some oranges.

You are mistaken. For instance I had been vaccinated and still got measles. You see vaccinations can not protect against mutations of a virus or bacteria. Your immune system does protect you better against everything. So it is not a good idea to get an injection that contains toxins known to harm the health of your immune system. Building a strong immune system is exactly opposite of what vaccinations do because of the toxins in them. Just keep up your flu shots like a good citizen; because then you won't be around to argue your peer reviewed knowledge you paid so much for, very much longer. You'll be too sick with the Flu or worse. Don't say I didn't warn you!