Diabetes Attacked my Mother

in #health6 years ago

Hi Friends stemians ..! eum ,, how are you today.
sedikit telling stories, about my mom, my mother has Diabetes Disease friend ".eumh", it's sad, even though I'm not a good kid, but 'from most children in general is born and raised by a mother .
how do not my mom sometimes one month up to 2 times enter the hospital.Please pray her friends hope my mother quickly recovered,,
thank you for reading and listening to my heart's content.


And thank you for visiting my blog please share me follow upvote me@youu.


Диабет - неприятно. Очень неприятно! Но с этим можно жить! У меня бабушка болела диабетом. Но ничего, главное контролировать сахар. Главное, поддержка близких

thanks for the suggestion @evgeniyshestakov .