
in fact, there are quite a lot of them and it is sometimes difficult to convince them.

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Young people?

among young people under the age of 20, I did not notice this, but people aged 30 years and older are much more prone to this, as it seems to me, mental disorder, belief in "strong leader" and "firm hand." But this, as it seems to me, because the judicial system in Russia is currently inoperative and totally corrupt, here are some that seek solace in dreams from the past. Probably, they represent themselves in no way less than a colonel of the NKVD in a large office in Moscow, and not a starving collective farm worker who does not have a passport and is forced to work in the literal sense not for money, but for trudoden

Yeah probably, some good points. They're quick to forget that Stalin sent millions to their death for fabricated reasons or no reason at all, just in case. The NKVD colonel would likely end up there too, after his time was up.

Yeah, Some people living in Moscow or St. Petersburg from their YouTube channels claim that repression is fiction. Pompously lounging in the studio, and not in a tent in a snowdrift under the tree, somewhere near the places in the Far East where I live. Here the prison-camp system of Russia as it began to develop during the last emperor, and then only grew with some pauses in development.For example, on the walls of a prison isolator located near my house (a few blocks away) there is a proud banner that the prison has been here on this place since 1886. That is, they are just modestly silent that this is the oldest enterprise in the city.))

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