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RE: 2020/2030 - A Decade of Chaos? - The Fourth Turning (Book Review)

in #history4 years ago

I am part of that nomadic generation that will surely feel that this crisis has broken its wings, stolen its heaven! I must tell you that I am a lover of history. Although the book talks about the history of the United States, it would be interesting to know more about the perspective that these authors assume and that you have been able to synthesize. In my literature classes, for example, sometimes I have to talk about the history of Venezuela and one of the things I "stress" to them is that as long as young people don't know their history, anyone can invent one for them and if they don't know about their past, they are destined to repeat it. For example, the crisis we lived through in the 90s of total disbelief and much individuality, made us look for the figure of the hero, who was a military man. At the beginning of the last century, Venezuela had military dictatorships that did a lot of damage to our country, but apparently nobody remembered that when they elected Chavez. At this moment, the history books used in schools are full of facts that are lies, made up, only to be eternalized in power. They are brainwashing our young people. They are erasing history and they are building one, at their convenience. Excuse me for going on about my commentary. You stepped on a key that is extremely important to me. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know this book. Hug and nice Monday, Eric!!! <3 ;)


It makes me so sad that my wife and I won't be able to travel overseas. It looks like it could be 2022 before Americans can go to any EU country. Although The Fourth Turning is about American History in general the authors' generational theory would apply to any developed nation I think.

It certainly sounds like Venezuela is repeating a past cycle. It's so good that you educate your students about the importance of history. You never know, it could be one of them someday who prevents a similar mistake from happening in the future. Our public education system here in the US has been dumbed down horribly in the last 50 years. The curriculum has shifted to teach our students how to pass pointless standardized tests and away from teaching them anything useful or of substance. The result of this dumbing down is the circus we're seeing today. I was educated in the public school system and with the exception of a few passionate teachers I don't feel like I received anywhere near what would be considered an adequate education. College was a little better but most of my deep knowledge was acquired by my own pursuit.

They say "the victors write the history books" and that is the total truth. Those in power try to spin the historical narrative in their favor time and time again all around the world, the brainwashing you speak of is happening almost everywhere. These days (and probably always) it's up to the individual to seek out the truth. Unfortunately, most people are too distracted to give the truth the time of day.

No need to apologize for the long response. I'm always thrilled to have comments from engaged readers. I wish you a great week, Nancy!