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RE: "Let's Prepare :Jaggery From Fresh Sugarcane Juice At Home Traditionally "

in Hive Food6 months ago

Hey, I like the way you showed one of the traditions of Pakistan. I like gechak more which is another by-product of jaggery.

Good luck.

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Thank you so much @dlmmqb
Yes you are right we can use it with peanut, sesame or with some other dry fruits.
May be one day I will write about its uses too .
Thank you for guiding me .

I saw you active in the city. It's a fun place for many. You can also learn from other Pakistanis. I will be watching to see you participate in hive contests. You can ask in any friendly discord chat to learn about contests that others like to participate in.

I am trying my best to learn about hive contests from other friends especially Pakistani people's
Inshallah soon Sir I will be taking part in different contests.
Thank you for your support, and for standing by on my post ❤️❤️