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RE: Sticky Neck, Washing Hands, Cleaning Fretboards?

in Guitar6 months ago

it can depend on the finish of the neck and also one what sweat and oil you give off.

I have a real glossy finish on the IYV and thought I might have an issue. The Ibanez has I think they call it a satin finish but has gotten shiny and polished from play. The Samick seems to have a normal acoustic guitar finish I guess. IDK.

I have heard that you need to be careful if you've been using sun cream as that can affect the guitar finish.

I rarely use it, but can imagine it could be an issue.

I do sometimes wipe down the guitar after playing, but I'm not religious about it.

I need to get a little more proactive with doing this. That could be another part of my issue. It's not a bad idea to wipe down the neck and body real quick when you're done playing. I need to be more regular in doing that.