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RE: Three Favorites Articles

in Three Challenges3 months ago

That’s cool I like the concept and if it’s got her involved then it’s gonna be good!

Those are three interesting articles - particularly the second one! I’ll have to check it out, I don’t know if I happened to see that one yet.

Ah trying to pick three of my own.. now that’s going to be tricky :D. I think one of the biggest challenges I have is that I have to scroll so far when you’ve written for 3 years. That’s not a brag, at least intentional. I dislike how we can’t configure how websites work these days - I highly dislike the continual scrolling crap that every site does. Yes it helps in some ways but I want to find a post from a year ago or more. If I keep scrolling back to September 2023 my computer locks up loading then all lol. I have one or two that I can think of but I have certainly written some good ones I would have to resurface! I think what will likely be my choices are my favorite photography posts.

Thanks for the mention man :D


No problem, it is a pain scrolling and waiting for it to load with the next batch. Only do you have 3 years worth you have written every single day which is a lot to sift through, haha.

Oh yes not many have read the second one because it was one of my first posts, well basically only those that knew me before I got here.

Nothing wrong with a good photography post. Those take time and effort just like writing. Look forward to seeing what you pick.