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RE: Hive Forest, Cycling and Granma - why they're my Three Favourite Posts

in Three Challenges3 months ago

Just like you, I have been living with my grandma when I was a kid too since my parents were working, my father was a driver, and my mother was with him assisting on the jeepney. Your grandma is beautiful and it is good to see her smile. Now, my grandma is already 83 years old and I am happy that she is still with us although I am not living with her anymore.

How I wish I knew how to ride a bicycle. I tried but it was hard for me since I was afraid that I would crash. Hehe. By the way, You look so cool in that picture.


It took my gran a long time to relax in front of the camera and I think that's her sweetest photo. Do you get to see your grandma often? 83 is still young nowadays, I hope you get to spend more time with her.

Thanks for dropping by

Yes, we often see each other since we are just living in the same neighborhood. And there are also times that she visits the house when she misses me and my son. How I wish I would be as young as my grandma when life would give me the chance to live at the age of 83 too.