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RE: A Quick Beginners Guide For Hive

in TheTerminal4 years ago

Heu there @bigsambucca.. The Hive token is a pegged coin, just like bitcoin, litecoin, steem and ithers are too.. It was initially created a week ago, so it is a super new coin. Therefore it is not yet listed everywhere in the exchanges. Ionomy, the exchange that I mentioned above already listed this new coin. They have both, hive and steem and all the other usual ones like btc. Also blocktrades offers exchanges of all those coins now.. The current value of the hive coin is about 30 cents now, so double the value of steem at the moment ^^ .. It is just a question of time when hive coin will be listed elsewhere too.. You can also look up the hive coin at goingecko already.. I hope that answers your question.. If not, feel free to ask as much ss you want 😉


Thank you @adalger for taking your time to answer my questions it has been very helpful and i do understand it more now. Thanks again and stay safe 👍