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RE: Hive Pud Outcome And Prizes

in TheTerminal4 years ago

Yes you won all , you were first I believe but you have to look at the blog by the contest holder it’s in my blog it’s traciyork, I just did a recap of the once part of the terminal and the redfishrally, go see the blog for your prize by @traciyork
Thanks for replying to my blog and maybe I see you in the terminal


ah thanks for clearing it for me :)
I really was a bit confused..^^ many contests which also play along on the same day..


Yes you are the winner i checked on her blog so you have won delegations , so CONGRATS

thank you :D
already got one delegation but didnt notice :pikachu:

thats like really quick, so your vote is already worth more than it was last week, happy voting i say.

How is voting going with the new delegation and the higher HP?